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Writer's pictureTaylor, Jessica, and Hannah

Books That Deserve More Credit

One of the worst things is when you read a fantastic book, but it has no fandom. We find that some of our favorite books are actually pretty unpopular in the bookish community and here are some that we think deserve more attention.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a good book recommendation, it's easy to just go online or read something you recognize. We ourselves are guilty of reading a book because it’s popular; however, we also love when we find an unpopular book that is actually really good. One thing that we do miss out on when reading these books is the fandoms, there is no one to talk to about the book because no one has read it! This happens more often than one would think and we had to make a list sharing some of our favorite books that we think deserve more attention.


Always Never Yours by Emily Webberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka

This cute teenage romance has everything you could ever hope for: a broken, aspiring actress falls for the quiet, awkward playwright. (Come on, it's perfect!) With romance and humor, this book teaches us to chase after our dreams and try new things, even if we are afraid.


Let It Snow by John Green, Lauren Myracle, and Maureen Johnson

Written by some of YA’s most beloved authors, Let It Snow follows three teenagers and their experiences with a large snow storm that blows through their small town. Although it is technically a Christmas book, we still read it year round and think it deserves more love!


The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

Think of if The Hunger Games, meets Maze Runner, meets Divergent. This book combines all of the elements to an amazing dystopian novel and delivers it in a unique way. We loved this series and the plot was equally familiar and unpredictable.


Heartless by Marissa Meyer

Focusing around a young Queen of Hearts, Heartless shows the beautiful and tragic events leading up to Catherine’s inevitable marriage to the King of Hearts. With twists, magic, love and betrayal, this book just screams wonderland and we love everything about it!


Powerless by Tera Lynn Childs

Similar to Renegades, Powerless follows the story of Kenna who is the daughter of two of the world's greatest heroes, yet has no powers. When villains attack her mothers lab, the line between good and evil begins to blur. This book begs the question of what is good and what is evil and is definitely worth a read!


Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith

When Teddy wins the lottery, he thinks he is the luckiest guy in the world, until the money causes a tension between him and his best friend Alice. Windfall shows us that love can be found in the most obvious places, but we won't always recognize it’s there until it's too late.


Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson

This fantasy novel is AMAZING! We are shocked that this book is not more talked about in the bookish community. Isobel, a mortal, paints portraits of the fair folk and soon become wrapped up in their dangerously beautiful world. With an interesting and unique plot, Enchantment of Ravens has action, romance, and some comedic relief that will leave you wanting more!


Waterfire Saga by Jennifer Donnelly

When Serafina’s home is attacked, she and her friends must go on a quest to destroy the imminent evil which lurks throughout their ocean world. With mermaids, sea creatures, magic, and action, the Waterfire saga is the perfect, easy read. We have loved these books for forever and feel as though they need a little more attention!


Invictus by Ryan Graudin

This book reminded us of a time traveling version of Guardians of the galaxy (in a good way!). Far should not exist because he was born outside of time. His mother was a time traveler, and he has always wanted to follow in her footsteps, but when he fails his exam, he is recruited to join an undercover group that steals valuables from the past. This story was so intriguing! Although it was confusing at times and we wished there was more character development, the plot was gripping and unique. We could not put this novel down for the last 100 pages and were completely in shock at the ending. This is definitely a must-read for any sci-fi or history lover (or really anyone)!


Have you read any of these books? What are some books you think deserve more credit? Let us know in the comments!

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